
The Library of the Rajasthan Police Academy was established as a reading room in the year 1975 with a collection of five thousand books. Later it was shifted to newly constructed building adjoining Administrative block in 1978. Presently it containes more than 27000 books and periodicals.
The library is equipped with modern facilities such as internet, audio- visual recording, etc. It has a separate magazine section, two reading halls with a capacity of 100 readers each at a time. Recently, an audio-visual room has also been established for the staff & trainees. There are approximately 27000 books & 700 CD’s in the library. The library has varied number of books on police working and training. It contains books on the subjects such as Art & Painting, Cyber Crime, Criminology, English Fictions, Forensic Science, Finger Printing, Geography, General Knowledge, Human Rights & Police, Religion, Police Administration, Sociology, Reference books, Religion, Human Rights & Police, Police Training, Information Technology, History, Investigation books, Sports & Games, Medical, Jurisprudence, Philosophy, Police practical work, Terrorism, Medical Science, Hindi Literature, Police Public relations, Security, Sports, Wild Life and Health
Computerization / Documentation of the books:
The Rajasthan Police Academy library has been computerized and a software E-Granthalaya has been installed.
In addition to the rich stock of books on various subjects/topics, the academy has procured approximately 100 new books for the library recently. The library gets a number of magazines and journals also looking to the demands of trainees and the staff.
List of important Journal/Magazines:
Important agonizes and journals such as All India Reporter, CBI Bulletin, Criminal Law Journal, Rajasthan Law Time, Police Chief’s Magazine, Harvard business review, Crime, Supreme Court rulings, Supreme Court & High Court Decision booklet, Employment News, Indian Police Journal, Reader’s Digest, Frontline, Police Science (in Hindi), Kadambini (in Hindi), India Today, Outlook, etc. are received at the library