Designation: Assistant Professor in Criminology
Qualification: M.Sc., M.A., M.Phil., PhD (in Criminology at Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,Tamil Nadu), UGC –NET in Criminology, Sociology & Women Studies
Department/Faculty: Department of Criminology and Police Studies
Area of Interest: Victimology & Victim Assistance, Human Rights of Women and Children.
Fellowships/Awards for Academic Purposes & Other Diploma:
• UGC-NET-JRF/SRF Fellow (2006)
• Recipient of Prof.Machiko Fukuhara’s Scholarship of Tokiwa International Victimological Institute (TIVI) , Tokiwa University, Japan (2008 & 2009)
• Diploma in The Asian Post Graduate Course on Victimology and Victim Assistance (2008,Japan)

Dr. Swikar Lama
Educational Qualification: M.Sc. in Criminology (LNJN NICFS), NET JRF, Ph.D(IIT Delhi)
Department/Faculty: Department of Criminology and Police Studies
Research Area of Interest: Restorative Justice, Criminal & Forensic Psychology & Crimes Against Women.
• University Gold Medallist in M.Sc. Criminology, Participated in the 6th Session of UNHRC, Geneva, Switzerland.
• Awarded Conference Grant by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands to attend the 14th International Symposium of World Society of Victimology.
• Received the 2nd Best Paper Award at the XXII Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology.
• Awarded Conference Grant by Indian Council of Social Science Research to attend the conference at Cambridge University, UK.

Mrs. Sheetal Arora
Educational Qualification: M.Sc. Criminology, NET JRF, PhD Scholar
Department/Faculty: Department of Criminology
Area of Interest: Crime & Criminology, Child Abuse & Maltreatment, Human Rights, Juvenile Delinquency.
• Internship and training in Human Rights issues, from National Human Rights Commission
• Volunteered in NCPCR
• Conducted academic research projects in jails (Delhi)
• Worked on "Criminology: The Police Perspective"

Dr. Mithilesh Narayan Bhatt
Department: Department of Law
Education Qualification:B.Sc., LL.M. (Human Rights), Ph.D., UGC-NET
Area of Interest: Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Gender and Law
Fellowship and Awards:Post-doctoral Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi
Doctoral Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi
Formerly:Assistant Professor of Law, Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad.

Dr. Meenakshi Punia
Department: Department of Law
Educational Qualifications: B.A LL.B. , LL.M ,Ph.D, UGC NET, Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights
Area of Interest: Law of Evidence, Cyber Laws and Intellectual Property Rights, Corporate Laws
Formerly: Assistant Professor of Law at Mody Institute of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh Sikar.
Others: Awarded Departmental Scholarship for pursuing Research