Risala (Horse Riding School)

The horse riding school was established at Police Training School, Kishangarh in 1974. It was shifted to Rajasthan Police Academy, Jaipur in 1978.
Location: Riding school is located on the outskirts of the Rajasthan Police Academy.
The objectives of establishing a horse riding school include inculcation of discipline, fitness and a daring attitude in the trainees. The horse wing is used for VIP duties, law and order duties and during the communal riots. The horses are used where other means of transport can not play.
The academy horse riding school possess twenty horses which are used to impart training to the police trainees of various course according to the approved syllabus. Horse riding is compulsary for Sub Inspector and other senior courses in there training schedules. The syllabus for the basic training of the Sub Inspectors is alloted 52 periods while those of RPS(P) is given 72 periods. The trainees are taught the handling of horses, maintenance and up keep of accessories, feeding of horses and walk, trot, canter and gallops. These horse are also used to participate in state level functions/police functions, VIP duties and ceremonial parades.
- The equestrian team of Rajasthan Police Academy is lead by Inspector Dayal Singh. The academy equestrian team participated in Rajasthan Police tatoo show and gave thrilling performance which was appreciated by all.
- The academy equestrian team won IIIrd position in All India Police equestrian Meet at Hydrabad.
- Constable Bhagwal was given gallentry promotion for his excellent performance in equestrian activities in the year 2006.
Rajasthan Police Academy horse riding school has been provided with large big ground for riding classes for the trainees.
The school is equipped with the following :-
(a) Stable - 36 (b) Store - for keeping eatables for horses (c) Barrack – 1 with a 30 men capacity (d) Guard room (e) H.M. Office, (f) Accessories store (g) Riding School, (h) Cross country area, (i) Jumping Ground.
Efforts are being made to modernize and equip equestrian team with latest equipment.