Mahila Kalyan Kendra

Mahila Kalyan Kendra(Women Welfare Centre) situated in Rajasthan Police Academy, Jaipur, Seva Sankul Residential Area formed by "The Rajasthan Police - Men's families welfare Society".
Centre gives vocational training and guidence to police personel's women and children. Centre encourage community work by imparting instructions in tailoring, knitting, embroidering, adult eduction, beauty parlour course, making of dish wash, detergent soap, achar, sticks, mangodi etc. celebrating 'Teej Festival'is also promoting cultural and competative aspect for women & children welfare by awarding best participants by prizes. Recently online yoga and fitness course, online english speacking course, online cooking classes conducted.
women welfare centre runs in three rooms one hall & kitchen accomodation in which stiching, knitting and embrobring in 2nd room computer basic classes for police staff women and children and third room used for beautition courses