Mock Crime Scene Cell

The mock crime scene Cell has been established in the year 2008 to acquint the trainees about heinous offences such as theft, decoity, bank robbary, domestic crimes, rape, traffic accidents, bomb explosions, kidnapping & offences involving corporeal injuries. The cell helps the trainees to develop an in depth understand about the scene of crime and vision & imaginative skill as investigation officers.
A comprehensive mock crime scene is prepared & all necessary material is planted in consonance with the particular offence. This exercise is executed with the same level of dedication & involvement as displayed in live handling of a crime scene, collection of evidence & nabbing the culprits. No unnecessary and frivolous activity is permitted during the study of mock crime scene and the trainees are taught to pursue a pin pointed approach to solve the case. Intensive efforts are put to form a vital bond of association amongst the trainees, the trainers & the mock crime scene.
The procedure involves lifting samples of blood stained (body fluids) material, other important residuals of great evidentiary value & preparing memos their off.
For selecting appropriate case various case files of heinous offences from across the state are collected in this cell for the purpose of training. The mock crime scene cell is located in the separate building near the academic block & is manned by experienced and technically qualified staff and police officers.